Thursday, July 16, 2009

10 Weight Loss Tips

10 Weight Loss Tips - Get Ready to Slim Down Without the Back-Breaking Effort

Author: Stewartc

There are two essentially important things that Americans are struggling with – health and fitness. Records show that the most overweight and obese people on earth can be found in the U.S. There are hundreds of diet and weight loss programs to be found in the fitness circle yet the lack of will power to start is the most difficult aspect to deal with.

A lot of us are aware that shedding of extra pounds is a key to prevent weight-related health risks like diabetes, hypertension and stroke, yet are too lazy to get fit. Below are some very doable action plans that will keep your weight down and even save your life in the long run.

1. Stay clear of fatty foods. If you keep your cupboard stacked with pastries, chocolate and junk food, then you are fighting a losing battle. Get these fatteners out of your shelves. After all, you can’t eat what isn’t there.

2. Don’t live a sedentary life. Go out and take up some outdoor physical activities or sport. Soak up some sunlight to produce serotonin, a beneficial hormone that may curb the desire for sugar and carbohydrates.

3. Get enough sleep at night. Studies show that lack of sleep adversely affects weight loss. People who suffer from sleep deprivation produce higher amounts of ghrelin, a hormone that stimulates appetite.

4. Your choice of music determines the amount of your food intake. Research revealed that people consume their food faster when upbeat music is played on the background. The more upbeat the sound, the faster – and the more – you eat.

5. Don’t gobble down your food. Instead, chew your food slowly. It takes 20 minutes for the digestive system to tell the brain that it is full. By eating fast, your system fails to recognize that it's already satiated. Take time to savor your food. Eating more slowly will improve the sensitivity of your taste buds.

6. Don’t skip your meals, particularly breakfast. It is the meal that will start your day. Skipping a meal makes your blood sugar drop, making you crave for food. Once you’re famished, you’ll more likely gobble down whatever food you may chance upon.

7. Keep your negative emotions on a leash. Emotions like anger or depression, when not kept under control, can make you gain more weight. Negative emotions cause your system to produce stress hormone associated to weight gain.

8. Stay committed to the positive goals you’ve set. These weight loss tips are simple and doable but will require some amount of will power and determination. Focusing on the end result of your weight loss program will help you in staying on track.

9. Accept the fact that even the best diet plans may not work out at the start. Don’t ruin the positive steps that you’ve started by thinking you can’t lose weight. Buoy yourself up and try until you get your desired figure. Imagining you can do it is already half the battle won.

10. Don’t be afraid to exercise. Walk, jog, swim, ride a bike, clean the house, do lawn work – anything to make you sweat and burn those fats. It’s so simple and good for your heart as well.
Good health is your best investment. Weight loss and some exercise will make you feel good, look great and keep you away from sickness. Let’s just say it’s a form of protecting your investment.

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Article Source:
About the Author: Stewart main interests are in promoting Health Care products that help men and women maintain their natural youthful looks at any age.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

How to manage the important Pre-Diet diet

How to manage the important Pre-Diet diet Health Articles March 6, 2006

Suddenly starting a diet can be a substantial shock to the system and considerably reduce your chances of success. Get it right first time by creating a Pre-Diet diet to get used to healthy eating and diet ideas then, when the day comes to start, you will sail smoothly into your diet and never look back.

Dieting can be a considerable shock to the system, especially if this is a first time, and that is why many people never get past the first week. To help prepare you and your body here are five quick and easy tips to get you ready to take on a diet. Try them for a month and at the end of the month get ready to start your diet. The tips will suit most diets but are not suitable for a low carb 'Atkins' or 'South Beach' type diet.

BreakfastThis is the most important tip, eat something for breakfast and it is better if the breakfast is a good one. Most diets insist on a proper breakfast and so it is a habit you will need to get into.

If you already have a breakfast then check the diet, make any changes and just carry on. If you have not chosen your diet yet, just have a bowl of cereal and a glass of juice or, if you want something more substantial, try grilled bacon and reduced-sugar baked beans on wholemeal toast.

If you read that and thought: "No, I've tried breakfast and it's just not for me," make a slight concession and eat a banana first thing and maybe have a cup of tea. Bananas are easy to eat, highly nutritious and will usually make you hungry soon after eating. The most important thing is that it is a start and you will soon find that you are ready for food in the morning.

Five-a-dayYou know the recommendation, we should all eat five portions of fruit and vegetables a day but five portions is a minimum. If you don't eat this much already (or if you don't know how much you eat) this can sound a lot but try and get up to speed with this as soon as you can.
When you are there, or if you already eat this much, try to increase this to seven or more portions.

To help you, you can take advantage of the tremendous snackability of most fruit. They are tasty, fun and quick to prepare, so keep some fruit ready to eat in the fridge so that they are the first thing you see as you open the door.

As well as this, have a bowl of dried fruit not too far away, as I do, for a tasty snack and, for top health, add a few nuts to the fruit.
Most diets (but not Atkins style low-carb diets) recommend large amounts of fruit and vegetables and it is sometimes hard to suddenly subject your body to this so increasing vegetables like this will help prepare your body for most diets.

The whole of the grainYou have heard it all before: throw out the white and only eat brown! So eat plenty of wholemeal rice, wholemeal pasta, wholemeal bread and brown potatoes.
Brown potatoes? Yes, that is my name for potatoes cooked with their skin because a lot of nutrient is trapped just below the skin and peeling tends to remove it.

Don't worry, by the way, if you have heard that wholegrains are fattening. What is fattening is eating too many calories, wholemeal food in a diet is highly nutritious and an important staple.
If you are not sure how much to serve, try covering a third of the plate with pasta or rice or potatoes and leaving a third (plus a little) for vegetables and whatever is left for chicken or fish.
Don't be a sweetieYes, it is hard to cut down on sweet things but we all know that they are loaded to the hilt with calories so you will have to make an effort. All diets (Atkins's diets included) will not let you eat candies and chocolate and a whole host of other things so now is the time to get your body used to not eating sugar.

In fact, reducing sugar intake is a good thing to do whether you are on a diet or not but if you are one of those people who simply cannot resist something sweet and if you know that this is your downfall then you will have to be drastic.

Giving up sugar is easy, simply choose a day next week and on that day stop eating anything that contains sugar and make it a decision for life. I know it sounds hard but if you are serious you can do it and your body will thank you for it for the rest of your life.
Change the main courseOK, this is the main recommendation, change your main course for something that is healthy. Of course, this is easy to say but I know it is a lot harder to do so make the change a gradual process.

To drive the point home, stop a minute and think, or jot on a piece of paper, what you normally eat in a week or what you ate last week.
Your goal is to change your diet so that you reduce the processed meals to a minimum and put in their place either fish or chicken or a vegetable option.
Changing what you consider to be the main part of the meal is not easy because you can feel very lost but it is an important change.

Both fish and chicken (without the skin) make delicious meals and both will run rings around normal processed food for health so see what you can do.
Your ultimate goal is to be ready to eat the food that your diet recommends so try using one or two of the suggested meals in place of your normal meal. If you have not yet chosen, have a look at a few diet books or articles and get some idea of main courses and begin with these.
This is also useful since it gives you an idea of the cost of your diet.

Once you have done all this and put these tips in place for a month you will be ready to start your diet and the change to diet food will not be so great. Not only will you be on more familiar ground but your chances of making a success of the diet will be all the greater.

Article Tags: Most Diets
Source: Free Articles from
Mike Taperell is a nutritionist, researcher and prolific author who writes with great understanding and clearness about health and holistic matters. He is Chief Writer and a founder of a site containing a wealth of articles, information and advice on anti-aging, fitness, food and eating, reflexology, stress avoidance and weight loss.

How Do I Diet

How Do I Diet Weight Loss Articles November 21, 2006

The question How Do I diet can be answered in various ways depending on your goals or your desired outcome. You may want to know how to diet in order to lose 10 pounds in the next few weeks or months for some important event like a wedding, a graduation or to get ready for the beach. How do I diet should be answered, in my humble opinion, on the basis of health. The word diet is synonymous with starving oneself and I don’t advise you do that.

The question How Do I diet can be answered in various ways depending on your goals or your desired outcome. You may want to know how to diet in order to lose 10 pounds in the next few weeks or months for some important event like a wedding, a graduation or to get ready for the beach.

How do I diet should be answered, in my humble opinion, on the basis of health.
The word diet is synonymous with starving oneself and I dont advise you do that. In fact, what I recommend is to eat as healthy and as clean as possible and use the principle of substitution instead of starving yourself.

Your first priority should be to learn about health and nutrition and stop asking how do I diet. Ask yourself, what could I possibly not know about foods that are keeping me from my goal?
Youll want to learn about the Power of Protein, good carbohydrates, the importance of water in your diet and the power of your mind to achieve success. Youll want to learn about good fats to add to your diet to help you achieve your goals.

How do I diet should be thought of as how do I exercise. Exercise goes hand in hand with your goals of weight loss, if you've got 10 pounds to lose, or losing those last 10 pounds (or first 10 for that matter). Never ever consider dieting without the thought of exercise.

ok, so you want to know how to diet. Heres some thoughts from myself, a guy who dropped nearly 300 pounds of fat (so I should know a little bit about what Im talking about)
Learn about foods Learn all you can from a variety of sources and never consider any one thing as gospel. Continue to learn, apply what you learn and try new things. Experiment with food.

What do I recommend for a starting point?
Substitute water for pop.
Substitute Herbal teas for Coffee
Substitute a mid afternoon snack for your muffin, candy bar or other snacks - Make a small meal out of your mid afternoon munchies. Think lean chicken, some rice and a salad.
Begin eating breakfast - Have an egg white omelet with a small serving of oatmeal and some vegetables. Substitute conventional sugar laden cereals with whole grain oatmeal.
Begin eating fruit - Have no more than two pieces of fruit per day and have them on an empty stomach.

Begin exercising How do I diet? should be replaced with How do I do cardio?. Begin walking at least 20 minutes every day. Morning is best as it helps raise your metabolism early on in the day. Begin some sort of weight training routine to help you not only build muscle but also to help your body to maintain its lean muscle tissue when you change your diet. Muscle burns fat and cardio helps muscle be more efficient at burning fat.
Drink more water. Water is your life and the better your water, the better your life. Drink more and use it to replace other non nutritional beverages.

Article Tags: Diet Should, Learn About
Source: Free Articles from
Dieting and diet information like this one as well as information about hoodia and phentermine can be found at, a part of the Fitness Fat Loss and Muscle network.

Diet Red Flags

Diet Red Flags Weight Loss Articles June 16, 2005

The cabbage diet! The rice diet! The blood type diet! Atkins! South Beach! No carb! Low carb! Which is the right diet?

People who want to lose weight are a very vulnerable group because they're very frustrated. Weight loss is hard, and everybody is looking for a silver bullet. They need to understand that the "silver bullet" does not exist.

But how can you discern which weight loss claims are true or false? Here's some advice from the Federal Trade Commission:

Does the diet promote rapid weight loss?
That's a clear signal it's unrealistic. When you start a diet, water weight is the first to go. If you lose much more than two pounds a week, you are drawing from both fat and muscle mass. That is not good, because muscle is a big factor that controls your metabolism. If you lose muscle mass, your metabolism will slow down. That is how the "roller coaster diet cycle" begins, and that is one reason why some diets just don't work.

The FDA recommends losing weight slowly and gradually, so you are losing one to two pounds per week. You need to tap into stored fat more efficiently, instead of burning water and muscle.
Does the weight loss program involve eating just one food, or eliminating whole food groups?
If so then you are setting yourself up to fail. No one can stick to a diet that is constrictive. Most people who are overweight got that way from overeating. Constricting someone who has overeaten for years will rarely work.

Now, most people can do something short term, but there will be a time when the mind can't do it anymore and your body's cravings will overtake your will-power. That is when binge eating occurs and often all the progress that was made is erased.
Does the program help you change long-term eating habits?
If not, you will just get caught up in a never-ending lose-gain cycle, also known as "roller coaster" or "yo-yo" dieting.

Most diets are short-term fixes for a long-term problem. People who get slim and stay that way have changed their eating habits and attitudes toward food.

Does it involve exercise?

If it doesn't, you will gain the weight back. Research shows that individuals who exercise on a regular basis have much greater success at losing weight and keeping it off. Exercise is critical to weight loss success.
You need an hour of aerobic exercise, at least five times per week, if you seriously want to lose weight. Also, you need strength training two times a week to build muscle. Lifting weights or working with rubber tubes helps maintain and can also increase the level of lean body mass, which helps your metabolism burn calories.

Two-thirds of the calories a person burns over the course of a day are from resting metabolism. If you are on a restricted diet by decreasing calories and nutrients, and you are not doing resistance training to build muscle, it is not uncommon to see resting metabolism decrease, which results in NO WEIGHT LOSS.

Is there sound research behind the weight-loss program?
Not all studies are created equal, and there are plenty sponsored by companies to get the answers they want. So a fair amount of skepticism is in order," says Zelman.
If the study involves small numbers of people the the results are less meaningful. Use caution when making any decisions based on the finding. Also, if claims only involve anecdotes and testimonials, beware.

Is the weight-loss program compatible with your lifestyle?
"If it's asking you to eat every three hours, to buy special foods and prepare them specially, it might be more trouble than it's worth and you won't do it," says Zelman.
Does it sound easy?

Diets or supplements that tout "no dieting or exercise needed" or "permanent weight loss, even if you stop using the product," are bogus, says the FTC. If you rely on supplements or too-strict diets you're wasting your time, Zelman explains.
Likewise, don't put much weight in the negative-calorie food diet. The theory there is that when you eat lettuce, celery, and other near-zero calorie foods, your body burns more calories simply digesting them. Give me a break, says Zelman. "You may burn a few calories, but so what?"
Sure, some diets work and they're healthy, Zelman says. "The Atkins and South Beach diets both have merit," she says.
Also, "protein and calcium are showing great promise as weight loss enhancers, but they're not miracle foods; you still have to eat a low-calorie diet, and you still have to exercise."

Source: WebMD
Article Tags: Weight Loss, Says Zelman
Source: Free Articles from
Michael Lewis has been collecting articles and information on Weight Loss and HGH (Human Growth Hormone) and related health benefits. please visit us at

What to Do in a 2 Day Diet?

What to Do in a 2 Day Diet?
Health Articles September 15, 2008
A 2 day diet is a kind of diet that comprises of two days of specific meals by some particular food for both the days. This kind of diet includes many essential condiments that build the basics of the diet plan.

Every morning you wake up, get yourself a tea or coffee with artificial sweetener. It is better if you drink black tea rather than normal tea. Then in the breakfast drink a glass full of juice and a toast. On the second day, you can have an egg and some bananas. Next day you can have some saltine nuts, fruits and some cheese.

For the lunch, you can have toasts with more coffee (preferably black). On the next day you can go for a cup of cheese and tuna fish or saltine nuts.

As for the dinner, you can eat some proteins, some fresh fruits, a mug of carrot, green beans and also a vanilla cream. You can eat carp hot dogs but without any bun. Some products are very efficient when it comes to controlling caloric intake and also prevents the fat to accumulate.

A 2 day diet is very effective for most of the people but not for all. It can happen that it does not result that well in everybody’s case. Dieting and the plans depend on person to person and therefore it is essential to choose the one that can match your body type. There are many other things as well that you require on such a diet. This includes drinking lots and lots of water. Water cleans up your body and enhances your metabolic activities. Diet soda works wonders when it comes to 2 day diets. Yes, diet sodas if replace water, can seriously work very well. Water or diet soda keeps you rejuvenated and fresh all the time. So it is essential as well as beneficial to drink as much water as you can.

Such a type of diet does not promise to make you lose a lot of weight but still it can make you lose quite some. Also it is very difficult to maintain a strict plan for this diet. It may interfere with your daily activities. You may eat something or the other that you should not eat and eventually you do not get the desired results. So think before choosing 2 day diet plan.

Source: Free Articles from
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